Here’s a fun gag I heard of somewhere. It’s for those in the Northern hemisphere who are going into Fall. It’s easy to do and sure to freak people out!
- Rake up a lot of dry leaves into a large pile near your front door. The pile needs to be wide enough and high enough for you (or your designated monster/ghoul) to hide in.
- Set up your front yard ready for trick or treating. Put up a sign near the pile saying something like “Watch out for Monsters!”
- Once it gets a little dark, make sure there is no one around and then hide in the leaves.
- Make sure the person handing out candy has a camera ready to go!
- Wait for kids to come trick or treating. Once they knock on the door, start rustling the leaves and making scary sounds. Just do this for a few seconds.
- Once they forget about the noises, jump out of the pile of leaves, screaming and roaring.
- Share your photos of scared kids with us on Facebook and Twitter! 🙂